
Learning Python

Learning Python certificate image



This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Python, a powerful and easy-to-learn object-oriented language. It covers the basics of Python syntax, working with dates and times, file handling, and web data retrieval in various formats. The course also includes interactive coding exercises for real-time feedback and hands-on practice, making it suitable for both new programmers and experienced developers looking to learn Python.

Learning Objectives

  • Learning the basics of Python syntax and constructing and running a simple Python program is a key aspect of this course.
  • Understanding how to work with dates and times, and using the date, time, and datetime classes is a necessary Python skill.
  • Exploring how to read and write files, and using the OS path utilities and filesystem shell methods is part of this course.
  • Fetching, parsing, and processing data from the web in JSON, HTML, and XML formats is included in this course.
  • Practicing and improving programming skills with interactive code challenges and quizzes is a part of the curriculum.

Programming Languages

Front-End Web Development

Certificate Issuer

